TOYO Engineering Canada is committed to:
Safety at the Workplace - By providing all employees, contractors, clients, suppliers, and visitors with a safe work place throughout all Toyo Canada facilities, offices, and work sites; and by identifying and eliminating the causes of occupational injuries and illnesses.
Safety in Design - By protecting the community and the environment through the design of facilities that are free of process hazards and safe to construct, operate, and maintain.
Leadership and Commitment - By showing leadership toward the implementation of HSE programs and initiatives, with the commitment to set and work toward meeting HSE objectives and targets that improve HSE performance.
Compliance - By meeting applicable occupational health and safety, environmental, statutory, legal, and other requirements.
People Involvement - By maintaining a culture that encourages employees to take personal responsibility for occupational health and safety and environmental issues through employee involvement, instruction, and training.
Continual Improvement - By implementing plans and programs that derive from systematic investigation of incidents, lessons learned, and periodic review of the effectiveness of Toyo Canada’s HSE Management System.