Through the business activities for total engineering, TOYO aims to contribute to our clients and other stakeholders, as well as the international community and regional communities.
Technical improvement of local technical engineers
In some of the projects, we have established local vocational training centers while implementing projects for training local engineers with their skills. Professionals such as welders, electricians, plumbers and refrigeration/heat-retention engineers are trained for several months to improve their technical level.
Consideration for the neighborhood
We fully explain about the project to people living near the site before starting construction. During the construction period, we give consideration to the environment and to safety by spraying water to keep down the dust and installing safety protective fences. As the traffic volume increases temporarily due to the number of delivery vehicles during this operation, We control traffic during school hours and also consider the safety of neighborhood.
Aid to disaster-stricken areas
In recent years there has been a number of natural disasters. TOYO has provided aid in the form of food and additional support through related institutions and local branches of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Seminars for technical transfer
In response to requests from other countries, TOYO has offered seminars related to project management and environmental technologies and other subject areas.
Cooperating mainly with the business courses at the Japan Center of JICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency), we offer three-week technical training courses to approximately 50 trainees from private enterprises in the requesting countries. These courses have been offered in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Mozambique and other countries.
Accepting trainees
We have accepted trainees in various areas in response to requests from governments and public institutions of other countries. We have accepted trainees from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Venezuela and other countries.
From 2005, TOYO accepted more than 340 trainees from Iraq to support reconstruction after the war. Trainees were from a diverse range of organizations, such as the Iraqi Petroleum Ministry, oil refining companies, gas distributors, petroleum distributors, engineering companies and many others. All attended the courses with dedication and enthusiasm.
Support for the employment of persons with disabilities
While both the civic and government sectors work to support employment of persons with disabilities so as to promote their participation in society, TOYO has also provided measures to support their employment. In 1988, TOYO established a group company, Chiba Data Center Corporation, as a place of employment for persons with severe disabilities who possess excellent skills. Chiba Data Center Corporation has offered technologies and services related to the digitization of information, support for materials to be published, website development, system development and suchlike.
Dispatching of instructors to project management courses
Conventionally, the project management technologies developed mainly in relation to the plant engineering industry. In recent years, information and telecommunication and other industries started utilizing the project management technologies. With increased interest in the technologies, TOYO has been requested more frequently to dispatch an instructor to a project management course organized by educational institutions. Currently, our lecturers are being dispatched to Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagoya University, Chiba Institute of Technologies and others.