![Your Success, Our Pride](img/img-01.png)
![Your Success, Our Pride](img/img-img-sp.png)
Enrich people's lives
For industrial infrastructure development
TOYO global network is covering in India, Indonesia, Korea, China, Malaysia, Brazil, and other countries. Each company operates its own EPC business in each country. Over many years, we have built relationships with local industries, and have contributed to industrial infrastructure development around the world, based on our track record in plant construction and maintenance. We will keep on taking a conducive role to the development of local economies by providing the people in need with various plants equipped with the world's most advanced technologies.
For the Solution of Food Problems
The development of the global economy is accompanied by a rapid increase in population, which sometimes triggers serious food problems. TOYO is one of world leading licenser with fertilizer manufacturing technologies. We fulfill duties improving agricultural productivity around the world through the construction of chemical fertilizer plants, which are essential for the stable supply of food.
For Technology transfer through EPC implementation
The construction of the plant is the integration of manufacturing based on the technologies and know-how of each stage, from Engineering, Procurement and Construction. It procures huge quantities of equipment from around the world, leads a large number of workers, and undertakes a complex task of completing the plant with quality, cost and delivery. We are not only improving the technological capabilities of TOYO group companies, but also fostering a wide range of human resources at each stage of plant construction project, including job creation in each region where construction sites are located, technical guidance to vendors, and technology transfer to the country.
Various people work enthusiastically
For development of human resources
Toyo's high-level and wide-ranging technological expertise provide world-class engineering solutions across a variety of fields. To contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through the engineering business, which uses human resources and technology as its management resources. It is essential that we continue to refine the source of competitiveness through constant inheritance and develop the capabilities of the next generation of human resources to create new value in cooperation with other companies and institutions. We will foster TOYO’s quality person who are capable of responding to the business environment in which international senses, values, and interests are intertwined in a complex manner with a global perspective.
TOYO Initiatives:
TOYO Academy (in-house training in elemental technology and knowledge)
Global training, on-the-site training, personnel exchange with Mitsui & Co., Ltd.,
Encouragement system for acquisition of qualifications, any other various skills training, etc.
For promotion of inclusion
In 2015, Toyo formulated the Toyo Inclusion Declaration. All TOYO employees respect the diversity of individual character, personalities, cultures, customs, and gender in each country and region, and foster an inclusive culture and environment in which everyone can work in their own way. To maximize the value of each individual and to fully demonstrate the core competencies of each individual, we are promoting company-wide inclusion.
TOYO initiatives:
“ERUBOSHI” qualified for promotion of active participation by women, Training for female employees, Japanese language training for foreign employees, and Overseas recruitment.
For improvement of work-life balance
To make TOYO a company that employees can take pride in their families, we are working to make use of a variety of work styles that make it easier for employees to work together. In the past, workplaces and homes were physically separated from work and life. However, in a rapidly expanding remote work environment, the line between work and life tends to be blurred. As a company, we will strive to improve work-life balance by revising systems and improving the environment for balancing work and life.
TOYO initiatives:
Remote work systems, Encouragement of commuting by car and staggered hours,
Encouragement of male employees to take childcare and nursing care leave,
A welcome return system (reemployment system).
For Promotion of health management and improvement of occupational health and safety
In order to maximize the performance of each and every employee at an engineering company, it is most important that health, physical strength, and energy are fulfilled through adequate sleep, moderate exercise, and sound communication within the organization. Because human resources are the only asset of our company, we will continue to provide as much support as possible to our employees in their efforts to maintain their mental and physical health. We will also focus on improving occupational health and safety for all employees working at plant construction sites.
TOYO Initiatives:
Corporate of health declaration, Corporate of health campaigns, Mental health care,
Awareness-raising activities to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, Provision of healthy lunch,
In-house disclosure of occupational safety records, implementation of safety campaigns,
president awards system for occupational safety, etc.