
In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, TOYO developed a system for Digital Transformation for Plant (DX-PLANT®). DX-PLANT® is aimed at maximizing client’s revenue and at minimizing expenses by leveraging TOYO’s engineering expertise in chemical process technology and operations for industrial plants while providing services through the secured platform.


Through DX-PLANT®, TOYO provides solutions for four fields; engineering (E), operations (O), maintenance (M) and business (B). This system will realize “digital twin” of an actual plant on a secured platform. This system is built from big data relating to operation data, inspection and maintenance records. DX-PLANT® enables to realize users’ access whenever and wherever they desire and widely share the results of solutions for their plants.


In TOYO’s monitoring room, the technicians provide the real time support for operation and maintenance through on-line connection.


Service contents

The solutions to be applied depend on the type of plant and the needs of the customer. Therefore, it is important to identify issues to be solved and clarify the solution to be provided through discussions with customers. TOYO provides service to clients with collaboration of multiple partners and licensors as an ecosystem that provides together the functions of each company and more attractive solutions.


Examples of DX-PLANT® installation

TOYO has developed DX-PLANT® /Fertilizer and launched it in December 2017 at a urea plant owned and operated by PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (PUSRI). As of January 2020, DX-PLANT® is utilized in total 5 plants. TOYO will keep moving forward to expand to other process plants such as petrochemical plants and other industries.

E: Engineering Information Sharing and Recording

DX-PLANT® stores not only engineering information such as piping and instrumentation diagram, data sheet and drawings, but also operation and maintenance historical records. Those kinds of information are integrated by information management system with 3D model. This integrated information will enable quick and easy access to the related information from any location as information management system.

*Information Management System

O: Operation Assistance Service

In addition to the real-time condition monitoring such as Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and status diagnoses from remote location, DX-PLANT® provides the operation guidance service for process optimization in real-time basis around the clock using the model established by hybrid model of engineering and operating know-how, big data analysis and AI analysis

*PMOS® (Plant Monitoring & Optimization System)
*RL-Tracker® (Operation support system for cracking furnaces in ethylene plants)
*ADVIDA® (Advanced Data-driven Visual Indication, Detection and Alert)

M: Maintenance Assistance Service

DX-PLANT® offers condition based maintenance by real time monitoring and prediction of abnormal condition for rotating machine and static equipment instead of conventional time- based one. This enables dynamic Risk Based Inspection / Risk Based Maintenance (RBI/RBM) approach for users.

*AOCM® (Advanced Online Corrosion Monitoring)
*IDCS® (Image Diagnosis for Corrosion Screening)
*Maintenance service for rotating machine

B: Business Management Assistance Service

DX-PLANT® establishes the integration between corporate and factory management using its stored information of operation and maintenance. This integration system will enable company- wide optimization to the plant management. DX-PLANT® offers corporate level real-time feedback and help users to make more appropriate decision.

*Integration of DX-PLANT®, APM and ERP
*Spare Parts Management System

Development of DX-PLANT®

TOYO will organize “Digital Solution Center” by connecting multiple plants to provide the total solution with plant owner and contribute the plant owners’ digital transformation as total solution provider.

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