Invest fund and human resources actively into the focus area to enhance the effectiveness of the management plan
--Plan for investment of fund and human resources
While we are at the stage of steadily increasing profits to build a stable financial base, we will actively invest funds and human resources into the focus area to achieve aggressive growth.
Invest amount for consolidated ICT/DXoT and sustainable technology and business development
We will invest around 2.5% of net sales which is approximately 1 percentage point higher than the median value of the industry. A total of ¥28 billion for ICT/DXoT and ¥80 billion for sustainable technology and business development will be allocated during five years.
TOYO Group Staffing Plan
While maintaining the level of over 5,000 employees across the TOYO Group, Toyo-Japan will shift its human resources to develop sustainable technologies and businesses, and EPC group companies will flexibly adjust the number of human resources in accordance with the demand. Toyo-Japan staff numbers in sustainable technology and business development will be increased from 110 as of the end of December 2020 to more than 210 by fiscal 2025. In addition, we will create an environment in which we can explore a wide range of business opportunities and improve profitability through cooperation with our partners.