Toyo-C Awarded 20000t/year Specialty Ester Project by OXEADec. 5, 2012 Toyo Engineering China Ltd.

Toyo Engineering Corporation, China (Toyo-China, President, Kiyoshi Nakao), has been awarded a contract for an 20000t/year Specialty Ester Project to be constructed in NCIP Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, PRC, by OXEA(Nanjing) Advanced Derivatives Ltd, the largest capacity in Carboxylic Acids. The plant is scheduled for completion in the end of 2013.

Initially, OXEA conducted its own project feasibility study aimed at the continuously expanding Chinese market. Following a bidding process which also evaluated Chinese and German competitors, Toyo-China won the Detail Design, Procurement Service and Construction Management for the 20000t/year Specialty Ester Project.

TOYO will now submit proposals in line with the client’s requirements and proceed to optimal implementation based on Global Toyo’s advanced network.

Project outline


 OXEA(Nanjing) Advanced Derivatives Ltd

 Plant and facilities:   

 Specialty Ester Project (20,000 t/y), utilities and incidental facilities

 Construction site:

 NCIP Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, PRC

 Work Scope:

 Detail Design, Procurement Service and Construction Management

 Estimated Completion:

 Dec.31, 2013