WACKER Nanjing Site Expansion Project One Million Safety Man-hours Celebration CeremonyNov. 3, 2021 Toyo Engineering China Ltd.

One million safety man-hours celebration ceremony of WACKER Nanjing Expansion Project was held at the project construction site in Nanjing on Nov.3rd,2021.
Mr. Paul Lindblad (President of WACKER Great China), Ms. Dong Benli (President of Toyo-China), Mr.John Cheng (Vice President of Toyo-China), WACKER top managers as well as subcontractors’ management attended the ceremony together.
On the ceremony, Mr.Paul Lindblad presented HES award to Toyo-C PM Mr. Jay Geng for our good safety performance. WACKER PM Dr.Markus Gawlowski and Toyo-C VP Mr.John Cheng also presented HSE awards to representatives of subcontractors to encourage them continue to keep safety record.