CDCII Project 2 Million Safe Man Hour CeremonyJun. 4, 2021 Toyo Engineering China Ltd.

CDCII Project achieved 2,000,000 safe man-hour without LTI in 2021 May. We hold a grand ceremony to celebrate this remarkable milestone with our Owner Daikin san , subcontractors’ management and workers on Jun.4th, 2021. This big Safety Convention also invited Daikin China Engineering Department Manager & CDCII PM (Project Manager) Mr. Haigami Tomohiko, Toyo China Chairman Mr. Koshikawa Shoji, President Ms. Dong Benli, Vice President Mr. Shang Shuguang, Vice President & PM Ms. Ni Ping,and Project Director Mr. Matsuzaki Yuko.
Now this project is going to the peak of construction and we will continue to keep good safety record until the project is finished, at the meantime, we are working so hard to keep to schedule with nice quality.